It's Not Just Custom Made.... It's Taylormade
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Integrations - CHAIN LINK
Taylormade makes a wide
range of unique and
specialized designs not
found anywhere else.
More options to resolve
client concerns means
better and happier clients.
Let us help you, call
(650) 589-2686 and
we’ll answer all your questions.
What makes this design unique is our hand crocheted polyester Chain Link. It’s small, yet strong. We will color the Link to the color of the hair and use special “V” knotting so it virtually disappears.
Your design allows the Chain Link spacing to be as tight or open as you desire, controlling the coverage and density of the “added hair”.
Our Chain Link integrations are usually ordered with a top panel. Panel
Choices can include P.U., fine mono or French Drawn (see Ordering
Options). Hair choices include Indian or Caucasian hair. (If you want
a smooth look you might consider “Asian Smooth Cuticle Hair” – call
for pricing.) Sorry, implant panels are not available with Chain Link.
A well done Saran type mold will usually suffice for ordering
purposes. Call us at (650) 589-2686 for ordering assistance.

© 2015 by TAYLORMADE