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FullHead -  NETBASE


This category includes all

non-vacuum custom

fullhead designs ordered

with net and/or P.U., or

various combinations of

the materials.  The choices and designs are created by you.


Design questions?  Let

us help you, call

(650) 589-2686 and

we’ll answer all your


·     TAPE TEMPLATE is usually sufficient, if kept tight to the head and nape area.  A plaster mold generally gives a better fit but there is an extra charge for creating the headblock.  (See Price List)  If we feel a trial fitting cap is required (generally because of a poor template) or if you request a trial fitting cap, there is an extra charge.  (See Price List)

·     HAIR:  You have a choice of the finest, hand selected and blended Caucasian hair (we decuticlize the first 4” of the root end to minimize matting and tangling with the natural cuticle hair) or very high quality processed Indian hair or synthetic fiber.   

·     BASE DESGN: You design the base choosing what you feel are appropriate materials.  (You can choose from any popular material chart booklet to specify your choices.) 

·     VENTILATION:  This term refers to the hair being attached

to the base using very fine knotting.  The hair direction and

volume are carefully controlled.

© 2015 by TAYLORMADE



1641 El Camino Real #201

Millbrae, CA.  94030


Tue-Fri: 9am-2pm PT


Studio Service Support:


Actual clients wearing genuine Taylormade Hair

All photos in the Taylormade website, other than the main photo of the young woman, show Studio clients wearing Taylormade hair, and all the close-up “parting” photos are from actual client products, not special products just for the web-site.


Since Taylormade does not operate a retail Studio we always want to enlarge our photo library.  If you have quality “before and after” photos of your clients wearing a Taylormade product and would like us to show it and give your Studio credit, please let us know.  If you would like to share with us we will need a signed Model Release with the photos and  some direct compensation is available for your photos.  Call Greg Taylor - (650) 589-2686 – to discuss the details.

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